Christian counseling with a licensed professional therapist is similar to secular therapy using counseling methods frequently employed by any other professional therapist, with an enfasis on your spiritual health. A Christian counselor will also employ the use of a broader range of materials and resources during your session including the use of prayer, as well as biblical literature and concepts.
As a professional counselor, I understand how important it is to identify the emotional and mental health symptoms that may lead to identifying a problem, while also considering the impact your faith, principles, values, and moral beliefs have on your over all mental wellbeing.
With your consent, I can include the following activities in your counseling experience:
- Prayer and scripture reading in-session.
- Biblically focused assignments for between session work and/or supplementary reading materials.
- Referrals to other Christian service providers such as psychiatry, support groups, and other alternative therapies.
Maybe you do not feel comfortable openly praying or reading the bible, and that’s ok. Maybe you do not identify as having a Christian faith. You do not have to include these practices in your session, although I highly recommend trying it. However, as a Christian myself, I am committed to praying for you and for myself, and looking to the Bible as I seek guidance to walk along side you during your journey to wellbeing.
Finally, my best advise is for you to have an honest conversation with your prospective therapist and talk about what you can expect, as well as what you are uncomfortable with, and remain open to try new things that may lead to the break through you have been waiting for.
Blessings on your journey to improve your wellbeing,