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Bienestar Counseling and Education

Counseling Service Rates***

First time consultation- Free.

Individual session- $100.00 per 50 min***

Intake, initial assessment and development of individualized treatment plan- $125.00- 1.5 hours (one time initial session fee).

Check-in session- $50.00 per 30 min

Professional Consultation/ Orientation session up to 3 sessions- $125.00 per 60 min session.***

There are different ways you can cover the cost and/or receive reimbursement for services received. I am a provider for most major insurance companies. Private pay is also accepted. Ask me about the different ways you can receive reimbursement and /or offset the cost of your therapy.***

Discounted rates available on a limited basis. Call for details.


Supervision for registered SW interns seeking licensure: $50.00 per hour.

Seminars & Workshops-$150.00/ hr, plus travel and lodging (If not in the Tri-County South Florida area).

This will include electronic copy of any handouts for the presentation.

**All services available in English and Spanish

Contact Me

Contact me to schedule your free consult today or by filling out this form or calling 754-333-0965.